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HubSpot Requirements

  • A Scarf account with an Organization set-up and an active Premium Subscription.
  • A HubSpot instance.

Required Permissions

  • Scarf:
    • Owner or Admin Permissions
  • HubSpot:
    • Account with Super Admin permissions

Implementation Process

Creation of a Scarf Application in HubSpot

The Scarf integration to HubSpot is a Private App.

  1. Login to HubSpot as a user with App Marketplace and Developer tools permissions

  2. Navigate to your Settings by clicking the gear icon on the top right.

  3. In the left sidebar, click on Integrations -> then click Private apps -> and select Create a private app.

Hubspot Private Apps

  1. Provide a name for your application such as “Scarf Connection”, optionally enter a Description such as “Scarf Connection to import usage analytics”.

Hubspot Info

  1. Navigate to the Scopes tab and configure the desired scopes for the integration.

Hubspot Scopes

Scope Area Scope Name Required Explanation
CRM Yes Required for Scarf to read company objects
CRM crm.objects.companies.write No Required for Scarf to Create or Update Companies
CRM Yes Required for Scarf to read company objects
CRM Yes Required for Scarf to read company objects
Other sales-email-read Yes Required for Scarf to read company objects
  1. Click the Create App button in the top right.

  2. Copy the API token presented and make note of it for the Connection and Authentication step below.

Hubspot Tokens

Connection and Authentication

  1. Login to Scarf as a user with Owner or Admin permissions.

  2. Navigate to Organization Settings -> Integrations.

Hubspot Salesforce Integrations Button

  1. Select Connect CRM Instance, confirm you want to sync companies and click Finish linking CRM.

Hubspot Salesforce Connect Button

  1. Click HubSpot from the Select integration menu.

Hubspot Select

  1. Review the presented data permissions, and click Next.

Hubspot Data Permissions

  1. When prompted enter your HubSpot Company ID, and click Next.

Hubspot ID

  1. You will now be prompted to enter the API Key generated in the Scarf Application stage, if required this can be retrieved from the Private App Settings page.

Hubspot API

  1. Click Next and Scarf is now connected to your HubSpot instance.

Scarf Field Configuration

The HubSpot connection allows you to pair Scarf Surfaced Companies with Account records in HubSpot, and optionally to create new Account records when Company Matches are surfaced. In addition to account records, Scarf will attempt to publish metrics to the HubSpot Account record if a matching Field is found on the account. If no matching Fields are found on an Account Object, Scarf will not update the record. The Fields Scarf will attempt to publish are enumerated here:

Property Label (suggested) Internal Name (required) Object Type Description
Scarf Company scarf_company_name string Company Name as determined by Scarf Enrichment
Scarf Domain scarf_company_domain string Primary Internet Domain of the Company
Scarf First Seen scarf_first_seen date Date of First Event Scarf observed attributed to this Company
Scarf Last Seen scarf_last_seen date Date of most recent Event Scarf observed attributed to this Company
Scarf Funnel Stage scarf_funnel_stage string Current Adoption Funnel Stage of the Company
Scarf Total Events scarf_total_events_last_30_days number Total observed events in the last 30 days
Scarf Total Uniques scarf_total_unique_sources_last_30_days number Unique observed Event Sources (endpoints) in the last 30 days
Scarf Events MoM scarf_total_events_mom number Change in Total Events over the previous Month
Scarf Events WoW scarf_total_events_wow number Change in Total Events over the previous Week
Scarf Sources MoM scarf_total_unique_sources_mom number Change in Unique Sources over the previous Month
Scarf Sources WoW scarf_total_unique_sources_wow number Change in Unique Sources over the Previous Week

Create Scarf data fields in HubSpot

If present and if Write scope has been granted, Scarf will update HubSpot Company records with Scarf custom properties.

While logged in as a user with Edit property settings permissions:

  1. In your HubSpot account, click the Settings icon in the top navigation bar.

  2. In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Properties.

  3. Click the Select an object dropdown menu, then select Company properties.

Hubspot Select Properties

  1. Create a Property Label for each of the fields described above, as desired.

Hubspot Property Edit

Synchronization Frequency

Scarf currently synchronizes with your CRM nightly. The duration of the sync is dependent on the volume of records paired. Manual Company matches are queued for the next nightly sync.

Configuring the Connection

Once the CRM connection has been initialized, the Integrations menu will add three configuration options:

Enable Scarf to connect Insights to this CRM Toggling this to off will temporarily disable the CRM integration. While off no reading or writing will be attempted.

Auto-match to known Accounts from Scarf With the integration enabled, you have the option to set Scarf to to use text pattern matching to pair existing CRM Accounts with surfaced Scarf Companies. If the setting is off then all mapping will be performed manually.

Automatically create new Accounts in your CRM With the integration enabled, you also have the option to set Scarf to attempt to create a new Account record in your CRM when the sync process encounters a Company without a match in the CRM. This will include historical matches as well as any newly surfaced companies.

Hubspot Configurations

NOTE: By default, all options will be turned on except for Auto-Sync, which will be off. Since Auto-Sync automatically creates records, it is disabled by default to prevent unintended data updates. Users can enable it manually once they have reviewed their setup.