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Scarf SDKs for library and package authors

Scarf's programming language SDKs provide observability into the usage of your libraries and language-specific packages. By adding a dependency to scarf-js or another Scarf language-level library, you can gain better data insights into how your package is used, and by which companies.



  • Collects basic installation statistics on npm install.
  • No dependencies
  • Fully transparent to the user. Scarf will log its behavior to the console during installation. It will never silently report analytics for someone that hasn't explictly given permission to do so.
  • Never interrupts your package installation. Reporting is done on a best effort basis.

You can find scarf-js on GitHub or on npm directly.


You'll first need to create a package entry on Scarf. Be sure to select "External library", and set the package type to "npm".

Once created, add a dependency on this library to your own:

npm i --save @scarf/scarf

Once your library is published to npm with this change, Scarf will automatically collect stats on install, no additional code is required!

Head to your package's dashboard on Scarf to see your reports when available.

How does it work?

scarf-js registers a postInstall hook that sends telemetry information. This library has no runtime footprint, it only runs at installation time, when a developer runs npm install Continue reading below here


Users of your package will be opted in by default and can opt out by setting the SCARF_ANALYTICS=false environment variable. If you'd prefer to set Scarf analytics such that users will be opted out by default instead, you can set this by adding an entry to your package.json

// your-package/package.json

  // ...
  "scarfSettings": {
    "defaultOptIn": false
  // ...

Scarf will now be opt-out by default, and users can set SCARF_ANALYTICS=true to opt in.

Regardless of the default state, Scarf will log what it is doing to users who haven't explictly opted in or out.

By default, scarf-js will only trigger analytics when your package is installed as a dependency of another package, or is being installed globally. This ensures that scarf-js analytics will not be triggered on npm install being run within your project. To change this, you can add:

// your-package/package.json

  // ...
  "scarfSettings": {
    "allowTopLevel": true
  // ...


What information does scarf-js provide me as a package author?

  • Understanding your user-base
  • Which companies and organizations are using your package?
  • Is your project growing or shrinking? Where? On which platforms?
  • Which versions of your package are being used?

What information does scarf-js send?

See more here.

As a user of a package using scarf-js, how can I opt out of analytics?

Scarf's analytics help support developers of the open source packages you are using, and provide data insights to help improve their software, so your opt-in is appreciated. However, if you'd like to opt out, you can add your preference to your project's package.json:

// your-package/package.json

  // ...
  "scarfSettings": {
    "enabled": false
  // ...

Alternatively, you can set this variable in your environment:

export SCARF_ANALYTICS=false

Either route will disable Scarf for all packages.

How can I inspect the JSON payload that scarf-js sends?

scarf-js will run in verbose mode depending on the SCARF_VERBOSE environment variable:

export SCARF_VERBOSE=true

It will print out the JSON payload, as well as any debugging information.

I distribute a package on npm, and scarf-js is in our dependency tree. Can I disable the analytics for my downstream dependents?

Yes. By opting out of analytics via package.json, any package upstream will have analytics disabled.

// your-package/package.json

  // ...
  "scarfSettings": {
    "enabled": false
  // ...

Installers of your packages will have scarf-js disabled for all dependencies upstream from yours.

I have more questions, where is the best place to ask

Join us in Slack, we're more than happy to help.


Setting the environment variable SCARF_LOCAL_PORT=8080 will configure Scarf to use http://localhost:8080 as the analytics endpoint host.

Data collection and privacy

Scarf does not store any personally identifying information from SDK telemetry data. Scarf only collects information that is helpful for:

  • Package maintenance
  • Identifying which companies are using a particular package, in order to enable support agreements between developers and commercial entities.

Specifically, scarf-js sends:

  • The operating system you are using.
  • Your IP address will be used to look up any available company information. Scarf does not store the actual IP address
  • Limited dependency tree information. Scarf sends the name and version of the package(s) that directly depend on scarf-js. Additionally, scarf-js will send SHA256-hashed name and version for the following packages in the dependency tree:
  • Packages that depend on a package that depends on scarf-js.
  • The root package of the dependency tree. This allows Scarf to provide maintainers with information about which public packages are using theirs, without exposing identifying details of non-public packages.

More languages coming soon

We're working to build out sibling libraries for various languages beyond JavaScript. If you're interested in using Scarf in a language we haven't released yet, let us know!